August 24, 2018


Since we're just back to school I decided to do a bit of a mammoth post on the different categories that the books fall into. This is primarily to help you, the parents, teachers and creches to find the right books for your homes or schools. Sometimes it's like you're looking for a needle in a haystack so I've whittled it down to five categories. It's also good if you are looking for a book for a particular problem or issue. All of these books would cover the age range of 4 - 8 years.

First up is one of my favourites: Emotions and Feelings. We are so lucky these days to have so many fantastic books to explain and help our little ones with their emotions.

Perfectly Norman: A wonderful book about being yourself and that it's okay to be different.

Everyone: Perfectly illustrated and simple book to explain feelings.

The Koala Who Could: A funny and sweet story about bravery and how sometimes our fears can make us miss out on enjoying things. A good one for overly cautious kids.

Ruby's Worry: One of the best picture books I've come across on explaining worries and how talking about them really helps. Especially great for anxious or worried kids.

In My Heart: A beautifully illustrated book with cut outs to help understand feelings and what we can do with them. 

I am Yoga: Simple and poetic book telling us how we can feel if we stay in the moment.

Brave As Can Be: Brilliantly illustrated book with playful cut outs. It shows things that the little girl was once scared of but not anymore and how she got over her fears. Great for little worrier's.

We're All Wonders: Lovely picture book of the young adult novel 'Wonder' showing us the importance of kindness and empathy. 

Sometimes in life we can have situations that are difficult to explain to a child. This is where picture books are a wonderful help. We all find it easier to understand things if they are told to us in a story and the colourful pictures provide a visual that the child may not have been able to picture before.

The Declaration of the Rights of Girls and Boys: Fantastic book from Amnesty International about not giving in to stereotypes. Great for homes, schools, libraries, everywhere!

More People to Love Me: This is a great book about a little girl with a large blended family. With a step mum, step dad and lots of brothers and sisters, there's just more people to love her.

Living with Mum and Living with Dad: A lovely, simple and sensitive lift the flap book showing how this little girl has two homes. 

We're All Wonders: This amazing book shows us the importance of kindness and empathy especially when you feel different.

Issac and his amazing Aspergers Superpowers: A great, simple and positive picture book which helps to explain Aspergers to children. 

Luna Loves Library Day: Luna lives with her Mum but on Saturday's she goes to the library to meet her Dad. Great book for showing two home families in a positive way.

King of the Sky: A beautiful, poetic picture book about a boy who has to move to live in an unfamiliar country. 

Stella Brings the Family: Lovely, sweet picture book showing the diversity of families. Stella feels anxious about Mother's Day. She doesn't have a mum, she has two dad's but then she decides to bring them all.

Our world is such a wonderful and interesting place. In this section I had put the best books on cultures, race, countries, habitats and how we all live our days.

Young, Gifted and Black: Fantastic illustrations in this inspiring and empowering book. People featured include Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King, Beyonce and Solange. 

This Is How We Do It: Wonderful book following the lives of seven very different children around the world and how they live their day.

What Do Grown Ups Do All Day: Another great book showing different places where grown ups work every day and what their jobs are. 

Malala's Magic Pencil: Inspirational and moving book about how Malala used her pencil to voice her opinions and concerns and changed so much in doing so.

Hello Atlas: A fun and interesting book showing us how we say hello all around the world. There is a free downloadable app to make sure the pronunciations are correct.

Wild World: Beautiful illustrations show us thirteen of the world's most stunning habitats.

Atlas of Adventures: Fantastic, fun and quirky book showing us epic adventures from around the world to the carnival in Brazil to the penguins in the Antarctic. 

These are my absolute favourite thinking, exploring and creative books. Stories that will help our children think outside the box, get inspired and express themselves.

Ada Twist, Scientist: Brilliant illustrations in this fun book showing how Ada Twist was always questioning and looking to see how things worked.

The Dot: Gorgeous book about making your mark and expressing yourself.

Iggy Peck Architect: Iggy has built things from a very early age. His teacher does not like Iggy's creations until one day his ingenious thinking saves the day.

Ish: Great little book for all our perfectionists out there. This book shows the joy in being in the moment and expressing yourself rather than reaching for perfection.

Rosie Revere Engineer: Rosie loves inventing things until someone laughs are her for failing. This book shows the importance of perseverance and of failing. 

I Am An Artist: Sweet and funny picture book about a boy who is inspired by everything. His mum on the other hand is not so impressed but the boy has a plan to make his mum smile.

Again we are so lucky to live in a time where there are so many inspiring and amazing books. Here are my favourites.

Young, Gifted and Black: Fantastic illustrations in this inspiring and empowering book. People featured include Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King, Beyonce and Solange. 

Fantastically Great Women who changed the World: Fantastically great book. The illustrations and stories are so interesting and inspirational.

Strong is the New Pretty: I love this book. Kate Parker took photos of 175 girls being themselves and there are quotes from the girls too. There will be a boys version of this soon.

Stories for Boys who Dare to be Different: Brilliant collection of stories of boys and men who dared to be different. Features people like John Lennon, Daniel Radcliffe, Oscar Wilde and many more.

Malala's Magic Pencil: Inspirational and moving book about how Malala used her pencil to voice her opinions and concerns and changed so much in doing so.

The Declaration of the Rights of Girls and Boys: Fantastic book from Amnesty International about not giving in to stereotypes. Great for homes, schools, libraries, everywhere!

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